Missouri Office of Primary Care and Rural Health
and Missouri Association of Rural Health Clinics proudly present the
5th Annual 2012 Rural Health Conference
May 2, 2012
Holiday Inn Executive Center
2200 I-70 Drive, Southwest
Columbia, Missouri
The Missouri Office of Primary Care and Rural Health is excited to partner with the Missouri Association of Rural Health Clinics to expand the annual Rural Hospitals conference to include Rural Health Clinics!!! This year’s Rural Health Conference includes two tracks, one for hospitals and one for clinic management. The theme of the conference is Improving for the Future. The focus of the conference is on improving clinical and financial management; at the forefront of healthcare.
The Conference is going “Green” this year!
Check back periodically as presentations will be uploaded as they become available to the Department of Health and Senior Services.
To learn more about the workshops sessions; Click here for the agenda!
No registration fee to attend; Click here to register and complete confidential Pre-Conference Questionnaire!
Make your own lodging reservations for night of May 1, 2012! (one person per facility stays free on May 1, 2012) Click here to access the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia MO!!!
Please check the website prior to the conference to print information to take to the conference. Information Contacts:
Marie Ballew at marie.ballew@health.mo.gov or 573-526-2825 or Barbara Brendel at barbara.brendel@health.mo.gov or 573-526-9687
Conference Speaker Biographical Sketches
Attendees List
Lemke Presenation 340B Basics
Lemke Presentation Case Study
RHC Handout
Rural Health Annual Evaluation Report
Growing Our Own
Recruitment – Marcia Dial
Meaningful Use State 2 NPRM Webinar Slides
Second Victim Handouts
Improving Financial & Operational Outcomes
RHC General Overview 2012
NHSC Presentation
USDA Rural Health
Brock Slabach Legislative Presentation
MO SORH Presentation
Taking Ownership Presentation