2013 Rural Health Conference

6th Annual Rural Health Conference

June 5, 2013
Stoney Creek Inn
2601 South Providence Road
Columbia, Missouri  65203

Missouri Office of Primary Care and Rural Health have partnered with the Missouri Hospital Association, Primaris, Missouri Primary Care Association, Center for Patient Safety, and Missouri Association for Rural Health Clinics to design the New Horizons in Rural Healthcare conference.  This one day conference will provide healthcare leaders in small rural communities the opportunity to network and hear valuable information about current and emerging rural healthcare.


Make your own lodging reservations for night of June 4, 2013 (one person per facility stays free on June 4, 2013).

Check the website prior to the conference to print information to take to the conference.
Information Contacts: 
Marie Ballew at marie.ballew@health.mo.gov or 573-526-2825 or
Melissa VanDyne at melissa.vandyne@health.mo.gov or 573-526-9687