If you or others at Mo. Dept of Health & Senior Services would like to find out more about Regroup’s approach to mental health telehealth, we’d like to invite you to attend our upcoming 30-min webinar:
- Overcoming Clinician Shortages Through Integrated Behavioral Telehealth
- December 15th at 1:00to 1:30 PMCST
- Please sign up at link below (also feel free to forward to others)
Webinar sign up: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/1853726405583728643?source=TG
We’ll be discussing Regroup’s approach to “virtual staffing” of psychiatrists/NPs and therapists into health care entities facing shortages via a video platform optimized for the unique requirements of behavioral health.
We hope you and/or your colleagues will be able to join the webinar. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions.